Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


who's fired?

For the past week TBS, the self-proclaimed expert on what’s funny, has been showing clips for its upcoming Jennifer Lopez mini-marathon.(Note: the term ‘marathon’ may seem somewhat misleading as it refers to only two movies, but it makes perfectly good sense when you think about it—the same two movies, played tediously for three weeks in a loop of seemingly endless monotony. Marathon.)

Full of cute clips showing Lopez endearingly tripping over herself while being pursued by hunky male leads, the advertisement touts the two movies as feel-good romantic comedies. Now, I have seen neither film, but from the reviews and trailers associated with them I feel that it is safe to assume that “The Wedding Planner” is a light-hearted romantic comedy and “Enough” is most definitely not. And yet, the cutesy TBS ad for the broadcast of these two films is full of funny romantic one-liners and ends with a clip from the film “Enough,” in which a meringue-like Lopez gazes deeply into the eyes of her new husband on a wedding reception dance floor. You know, the whole two minutes before he starts beating and stalking her out of any semblance of peace and happiness.

TBS—why this deception? Why this combination of movies? Wouldn’t “Gigli” have been a better-suited partner for another romantic JLo tanker? Obviously, none of the TBS executives who signed off on this choice of movies and its deceptive advertisement had seen either film. So who’s fired? Unfortunately I have a feeling that it won’t be these neglectful executives with no taste in comedy that get the boot. Instead, desperate upper management staff will point to the marketing department and the intern who assembled the ad montage will be summoned to the manager’s office. And then, amid relieved sighs of eluded responsibility, the only ‘funny’ person at TBS will be fired.


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