LA photo essay, part 1
If your cross-country flight is ever delayed and you get stuck in the Memphis airport in the early afternoon, be advised that you will be completely, mind-numbingly bored as this composes the four-hour lull between the busy morning and evening times. That is, unless luck is on your side and you happen upon the first annual Northwest Idol competition held in the B terminal. What better way to kill a couple hours while you wait for Northwest to pull their shit together? "Broken aircraft", my shiny metal ass!
NI strayed from the original format to included a variety of acts: short stories, dancing, singing and public speaking. It was fascinating to be one of the only non-NW people there. Every performance yielded new insight into the inner workings of NW employee relations, and the revelations were sometimes unexpected. For example, the lady in the gold hat got a huge amount of sincere applause. The little white guy in the red bow tie (not pictured) did not fare nearly as well. He read a short story about a man and his dying wife. The woman standing next to me thought it was fucking hilarious.
The winner isn't pictured here--she performed near the end when my camera's battery started fading--but she was good. (I could tell because everyone clapped.) Though the best performance was from Paula Abdul. From thirty feet and a squint she was a dead ringer for the real dame, and she stayed in character the entire time. The best Paula Moment was during the performance in which a woman delivered a 20-minute tirade against injustice while instrumental countryish music played in the background. Everyone looked kind of uncomfortable, giddily embarrassed over the strange combination of solemn subject matter and setting. I looked over at the judges' table to see how they were taking it. Randy was keeping a straight face under his dark glasses and Simon was looking very much like he would give anything for a pair of his own, but Paula--Paula was just boppin' along to the beat. I've never been a fan of the show (Randy's carefully stunted vocabulary drives me nuts, Simon's comments are predictably mean, and I've always found Paula to be a mess of vapid niceties) but time spent with Fake Paula has really mellowed me. Tonight I'm feeling her.
I'm gonna' have to come out of the Red Carpet Club more often--looks like I'm missing all the fun caused by flight delays, lost baggage, and other rights of travel passage. Great pictures!
11:37 PM
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