Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


kid names

KIDSREADS.COM ASKED: If you were writing a book and could name the main character anything that you wanted, what name would you pick?

Galloway. It's a classy and manly name.

I would name the character Joshua, because he is very important to the Jews and I am very religious and I love the name Joshua.

Billy Bob

It would depend of course what I was writing about. If it were about wolves, I would name the main character Glaicia. If it was about humans, Sally sounds good!

Hotrod Junior

I would really like Cristal, Moon Light and Star Light, and I really want the book to be called The Spooky Grade 10.


Super Lucky


Marsha Martian

Algo, Sir Algo. He would be a knight and a good character, perfect for a book. But I would not take his name for it is in the works at this moment.

If I were writing a book, my main character would be Francis. I think this name is unique; therefore it should be used.

Probably Harry Potter

I would choose Orlando Bloom because he is my crush.

I would choose it to be Zan because it is short and tomboyish, but if it were a girly sort of character I would choose Clarissa.

I would name the main character Sirius Black. I got the name from Harry Potter. The character would not be like Black because I only like that name. I'm not saying that I don't like Black (which I do). I'm just saying that I wouldn't want my character like Sirius Black.

Maxamillion, but he isn't called Max for short --- he is called Million.

AntiCoohiCathchiWoochiSammiCammiWhacki Brown. Anti Brown for short.

Students in my class (2nd grade) chose a boy named Jeremy Fisher. They chose this name because their story would be about a boy who loved to fish.

I would name it Sue.

Pairadiddle Do Little, a slow moving wobbly little fellow who struggles with everything except playing the violin with vibrato.

I would name my main character Frumpy because it sounds cool.

I would pick the name Allison because my sister's name is Allison. I love her and would do anything for her, even have the stomach virus.


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