DAY 7: Tuesday, 8 August

We bag up the rest of the fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator, do some laundry and set out on the highway once again--this time for our final day of driving. Pennsylvania is scenic but a little bossy.
Finally, we arrive in Maryland that evening. We stop at a Cracker Barrel to return the book on tape that we borrowed somewhere in Oklahoma (I think). It was a spyish novel by Le Carre, narrated by the author himself, but we never finished it. I think it was called Abosolute Friends, or something like that. It involved two guys that are friends for years and years and meet up to save the world or something. It was kind of interesting, but he did voices for all of his characters, including annoying falsettos for the women, and Sasha's effeminate Russian/German accent and long-winded Communist soliloquies grated on our nerves after a while. I'm tempted to check the book out from the library and finish the last chapters, but I'm not really that motivated. I'm just going to assume the climax of the book is when the reader discovers that Sasha and Teddy are gay for each other. And if that's actually the case, all I can say is "called it!".

I include this crappy picture of a highway sign because: a) It's kind of cool-looking, actually, and b) This accurately represents how we were feeling at this point in our journey--so close to our destination and woozy as hell.

FINALLY, after battling through surprisingly thick traffic at 10PM, we reach my mom's house. I think she fed us before we passed out downstairs, but I don't really remember. Whatever, we made it, baby, and that's all that matters.
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