Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


moppets take manhattan

Well, we made it to NY. Thanks to RJ, my mom, and that guy who frantically yelled and gestured at us on the road off the George Washington bridge we successfully moved out of our apartment, stored crap that won't fit into our downsized living space, and didn't crash into the 9-ft bridge overhang that would have lopped off the top of our UHaul rental, making us rush hour media darlings on our first day in town. Thanks, guy. I know you were swearing at us and all, but you're the best.

I forgot to take a picture of our place with all of the boxes piled everywhere. Well, no I didn't forget--I was just too tired and hot to care. Just imagine a gigantic mess. And one hundred degree heat with no air conditioning. And only one closet. Right.

This is what our apartment looks like now:

It's "cozy" but manageable. We're already dreaming up new ways to create storage. J has an idea for some sort of suspended closet system in the hallway. I'm skeptical, but other people's ideas always sound a bit nuts. Like, two months ago when I bought a bunch of colored acrylic cups at Target to make bookshelves, J was skeptical--and deservedly so. I tried to explain how I would superglue them together to create support for the shelves on one side while building a ladder-like suspension to support the other side, but despite my efforts to make him visualize my concept he just had that panicky look on his face. The one that says Oh my GOD, I'm living with a crazy person. How did I not notice this before? Can I fit through that window? Damn this giant head of mine!. He admitted as much when we finally got the shelves together. Ooh, I could see him thinking, she's crazy like a FOX!!

Now we have a place for our massive CD and DVD collection. Notice how all of the shelves are full? That means that media gifts at Christmas will only throw the delicate storage balance out of whack. So, no go. Unless you want to trade. Do you have something you'd like to exchange for a Cats CD? Perhaps an Andie MacDowell movie of some sort? Call me.

Speaking of emotionless robotic actors, has anyone seen Transformers starring Shia LaBeouf? I know I've already mentioned it, but in case you've resisted the summer blockbuster marketing campaign up until now I'm posting one last reminder.

Who can resist such a genius marketing technique? We sure couldn't.

Next up, Superbad. I have a feeling that Michael Cera is going to rock our world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome bookshelf! You're mad crafty, Megan.

5:36 PM


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