there must be a law against looking this good

Recently Iran has been experiencing spasms of ultra-conservativeness in the form of police crackdowns on people who do not adhere to the 'social norm'. Violators include women whose scarves are too loose and clothing is too tight, and men whose hair is too styled and shirts are TOO SEXY--I mean, tight. In an effort to stave off this latest wave of sinfulness, government officials are raiding bazarres for skimpy lady clothes and threatening to revoke the business licenses of barbers who engage in the perpetuation of spikey, big-hair styles and employ too much hair gel.
Men who use facial cosmetics or pluck their eyebrows are also receiving warnings from the moral police.
Such crackdowns represent a step backwards in the Iranian government's tolerance for its own society, and some predict that these measures will help push the public to the edge of another revolution. Political scientists think that this potential change will be driven by a thirst for personal freedom, but I suspect it will have more to do with the world's growing intolerance for unibrows and flat bangs. I'd love to know for sure, but if I ever make it to Iran, I'm not sure such questions would be at the top of my list.
Finally, all this talk of hair reminds me of my brother, who suffered a giant mistake of a haircut at our mother's hands during his Kindergarten year, and had to obtain special permission from the school so that he could wear a hat for a month while everything grew back in. Recently, while cutting his own hair, the episode repeated itself--leaving him with a mostly-buzzed head and a rooster-comb mohawk. Bear, this pic is for you:
i can empathize with your brother. an extra flick of the wrist at u of c turned my haircut into a buzz...
happy belated birthday by the way!
9:03 AM
It should be a lesson for all of you that when your kid is bugging you all day for a hair cut and you, exhausted, unfocused, and grumpy, finally give in, that you should NEVER start in the front with the clippers (something he himself later discovered, as you have read)....Following this advice will ultimately help you avoid having to deal with both the psychological trauma (or is that redundant???) you have induced in the child and having it broadcast to the world on your daughter's website.
7:44 AM
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