Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


terrorism and vaginas--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

This post is for Brian, who has the worst birth day ever thanks to al-Qaeda. Brian, I just want you to know--despite the fact that everyone wanders around all day looking morose, it isn't your fault. Remember, bin Laden doesn't hate your birthday, he just hates your freedom. I mean, I'm sure even he likes gifts and cake. Unless he's some sort of monster.

Speaking of gifts, I didn't get you one--but I did find the perfect one at

It's a vagina, get it? A giant green chomping vagina. Brilliant! You and Crotchety could both get one and then wear them around together. You'd be a hit--everyone loves a matching couple and references to genitalia! At least everyone I know.

And now, to complete your belated birthday, the French rendition of "Happy Birthday":

Happy beerrstday to you,
happy beerrstday to you,
happy beerrstday dear Brriaann,
happy beerstday to youuu!!


Blogger andrew said...

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5:28 AM

Blogger andrew said...

I love this post, for the following reasons:

a) I thought I was the only person I knew that was bummed out about an early sept. birthday.

b) I thought I was the only one who got the super-mario-flower-vagina connection

c) I am a sucker for references to that painting. (Speaking of which, how angry would you have been if you were an early 20th century artist and someone beat you to this? I'm thinking I probably would have killed at least one person.)

5:36 AM


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