denying I have a problem

Over a year ago I dropped caffeine after I started to suspect that it was giving me heart palpitations. However, during our trip across country I took it back up and now I indulge almost every day--a soda here, a cup of tea there. I'm kind of upset with myself for succumbing to it after months of hard-fought independence, but it's just that getting into a new work schedule is brutal, and by early afternoon I'm crashing between acronym-riddled project meetings and draining phone conversations about PowerPoint slides. So I grab a cup of liquid strength and sit down to a Free Cell game or two. Or ten. I try to stop, but I find that playing clears my head and jump-starts my productivity. Plus, that extra boost from the caffeine really sends me flying through the cards. Last week I hit a new record: 32 wins in a row. I know. I'm sick, but i can't help it! At least I'm not playing for money and I'm not nearly as deranged as the people who play in Free Cell tournaments. (Yes, there IS such a thing.) Those guys play 30 games per hour! I'm not nearly up to par with that kind of performance. Maybe I should practice more. I've never liked coffee much but I have a feeling that we could become fast friends...
i play freecell that fast.
it's called ctrl-shift-f10
11:12 PM
I can fix your Free Cell addiction just by recalling that a certain grandmother of yours (the Ice Queen) spent her last visit to us (nigh unto ten years ago) playing Free Cell the entire five days rather than spending time with you...sadly...
9:52 AM
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