right almost part of the time

1. Britney Spears/ Paris Hilton/ Laura Bush will go anorexic, deny an obvious addiction to blow, and fall into the dark abyss of pantylessness.
2. The stock market/ your weight/ the value of morality will plummet/ explode/ remain disappointing.
3. George W. Bush will say something incredibly stupid at a press conference/ the United Nations Annual Potluck/ afternoon tea and will consequently make a lifelong enemy of North Dakota/ Turkmenistan / Concerned Women for America.
4. The Chicago Cubs/ Detroit Tigers/ Assumption College Greyhounds will win the World Series against the Yankees.
5. Simon Cowell will say unforgivably mean things to American Idol contestants/ finally succumb to his burning sexual attraction to Randy Jackson/ go anorexic, deny an obvious addiction to blow, and fall into the dark abyss of pantylessness.
6. Women’s pant sizes will shrink further leading to nationwide mall riots/ a massive increase in female suicide rates/ widespread pantlessness.
7. The US government will recall US troops/ chickpeas/ civil rights because of a contamination of 2008 election jitters/ e.coli/ evil.
And here I'm still waiting for someone to come up with a nonlethal bra! Pantless and braless unite!
5:39 PM
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