Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


back to crazy

It's been a looong time since my last post, but as of 8:26pm tonight I am free of academia for a whole month. What better way to kick off winter break than with some weird news from a far-off land. Nope, this time it isn't Germany--it's Singapore, the city-state you'd love to hate if only that weren't illegal according to some anal-retentive law they passed back in the 90s. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. Apparently "fraudulent possession of women's underwear" is a crime.


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