weekend bragcomplishments
- Wolf down burgers from Five Guys
- Watch The Departed
- Admire Alec Baldwin's slovenly comic genius
- Create poster-CD case wall art

Winter on the Quads
- Conduct frantic Cheez-it shopping spree
- Eat early Thai dinner in empty restaurant under watchful gaze of three very bored, overly attentive waiters
- Rush home to host Cheez-its & Wiiiine Party
- Spill red wine on floor, carpet, wall, camera
- Hold rambunctious Donkey Conga tournament and loud games of Taboo and charades
- Go to bed drunk on wine and beer

- Wake up feeling like a god
- Make delicious mushroom and cheese omelette to appease boyfriend's queasy hangover
- Discover that crappy-ass DVD player from Best Buy is broken (for the second time in two months)
- Weep uncontrollably
- Wallow in technological despair and self-pity
- Create awesome 'Wall o' Faces' wall art

Every visitor gets their mug on the wall
Thanks to Jimmy for the poster of the quads and the only picture of the impressive Cheez-it spread. Even if the picture does make our place look like the inside of an evil alien spaceship.
11:39 PM
yeah, i have a mediocore phone camera with no flash. i must say there's some darn good looking people on that wall of visitors.
8:58 PM
Ooo! Nice art!
(zdenfr! I'm human, bitches!)
1:27 PM
I really like the walls of art. impressive.
if I may ask, what's your secret for making the winter on the quads wall?
1:33 PM
A PhotoShopped picture of the quads, a friend with access to a gigantor printer, a bunch of empty CD cases, and velcro.
(I recommend eyeballing the placement of the CDs on the wall, as the use of a level only emphasizes just how crooked your apartment actually is.)
4:24 PM
ah, the friend with the gigantic printer is the part of the equation that needs to be worked around!
it looks good!
1:48 PM
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