Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


it was the blurst of times

Democrats take the House.

Democrats take the Senate.

Wildly popular Rev. Ted Haggard is fired from his 14,000 member church due to "sexual immorality" (and not the pre-marital/prom-sex kind, but the meth-dealing man-hooker whom I only got a 'massage' from I swear really it was just a massage he was recommended by my hotel concierge for Chrissake kind).

Donald "SecDef for Life" Rumsfeld resigns.

Dubya admits a lack of progress in Iraq.

Britney Spears files for divorce from K-Fed.

Hot damnation--now this is an Apocalypse I can get behind!


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