seeing red is its own award
Remember the award ceremonies at the end of each term in elementary school? The pretenses to distribute these certificates of merit ranged from admirable, to mundane, to ludicrous. As a result, at some point everyone was called up onstage to receive some sort of recognition (‘Good job, Dylan! You only assaulted between 3-5 of your classmates/teachers this term—what an improvement!’). Ninety minutes into one interminable ceremony I remember feeling a sense of resigned frustration for the entire system. I knew that in the school’s battle to reconcile our young self-esteem with our developing intelligence, our intelligence had won nothing but the short end of the stick. Ah, what fond memories. It’s good to see that someone’s keeping the tradition alive.
Washington, D.C. - This morning the Family Research Council (FRC) proudly presented this year's "True Blue Awards" to 24 Members of Congress at a Capitol Hill Club breakfast.
The "True Blue Award" is presented to Members of Congress who demonstrate extraordinary integrity and character in their defense of families and the sanctity of human life through their votes.
This year a total of 69 Members received a "True Blue Award" from the Family Research Council for having achieved 100% voting records on issues of importance to the American family.
On a lighter note, FRC issued its first "Black & Blue Awards" to those Members of Congress who voted 0% on pro-family issues. Dishonorable mentions were in order for two members who excelled in disservice to the strengthening of families, faith and freedom.
Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) received the "Abstinence of Thought" award for his brilliantly composed abstinence report which abstained from providing any facts or positive research to substantiate his claims.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) received the "Un-Intelligent Design" award for being a longtime proponent of removing faith from the public square, prayer from public schools and intelligent design from academic studies. However, Rep. Pelosi never fails to accept the Supreme Court's wisdom as though "God has spoken" when rendering a decision derived unconstitutionally.
Photo: Reps. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) strike a pose.