for Baby E, on his belated early birthday
Work cuz you're gonna need money,
Love like you might catch something contagious,
And fart like no one else is in the elevator.
Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.
Work cuz you're gonna need money,
Men who use facial cosmetics or pluck their eyebrows are also receiving warnings from the moral police.
Such crackdowns represent a step backwards in the Iranian government's tolerance for its own society, and some predict that these measures will help push the public to the edge of another revolution. Political scientists think that this potential change will be driven by a thirst for personal freedom, but I suspect it will have more to do with the world's growing intolerance for unibrows and flat bangs. I'd love to know for sure, but if I ever make it to Iran, I'm not sure such questions would be at the top of my list.
Finally, all this talk of hair reminds me of my brother, who suffered a giant mistake of a haircut at our mother's hands during his Kindergarten year, and had to obtain special permission from the school so that he could wear a hat for a month while everything grew back in. Recently, while cutting his own hair, the episode repeated itself--leaving him with a mostly-buzzed head and a rooster-comb mohawk. Bear, this pic is for you:
After our extended stay in the Memphis airport, we finally made it into LA--ironically the only city in the entire country with cloud-cover. Our whole reason for coming to the west coast was to see my sister-outlaw who is pregnant with her first child (due in June), the first nephew/grandkid in either of our families. Considering her reaction to the pictures of herself from the baby shower ('Oh my GOD--I'm e-NOR-mous!') I've decided not to post any pictures of her in case she's self-conscious. However, in case anyone is interested in exactly how enormous 7-months-pregnant really is, I've provided a reference:
If your cross-country flight is ever delayed and you get stuck in the Memphis airport in the early afternoon, be advised that you will be completely, mind-numbingly bored as this composes the four-hour lull between the busy morning and evening times. That is, unless luck is on your side and you happen upon the first annual Northwest Idol competition held in the B terminal. What better way to kill a couple hours while you wait for Northwest to pull their shit together? "Broken aircraft", my shiny metal ass!