Literally, “to make the curious talk”—the French’s notorious explain-all reason given to account for why things are the way they are, without really explaining anything. Often used as a snappish comeback to questions posed by inquisitive children who just won’t shut up. Generally emphasized with a shrug and at least one contemptuously raised eyebrow.


what's cookin' for Thanksgiving dinner? propaganda? mmm, delicious!

Last week featured an article about some teachers' non-traditional approach to Thanksgiving.

Teacher Bill Morgan walks into his third-grade class wearing a black Pilgrim hat made of construction paper and begins snatching up pencils, backpacks and glue sticks from his pupils. He tells them the items now belong to him because he "discovered" them.

Although I don't support romanticizing any historical event (especially ones that, though well-intentioned, in retrospect proved to be giant fucking mistakes) I'm not sure I'm to the point where I'm going to snatch schoolchildren's possessions off their desks and squirrel them away in a self-righteous huff either (however much fun that might be). But I do see Bill Morgan's point. The images that most Americans have of Thanksgiving


are not completely accurate, and are held up as an annual reminder of our relations with the natives, a cruelly deceptive moment when taken out of historical context.

Therefore, in recognition of 'alternative' views of Thanksgiving, for all of you whose holiday image is not this,

and who perhaps feel the need to atone for their breakout role as Squanto, the kind-hearted Indian whose unbounded benevolence initiated the destruction of the native peoples from sea to shining sea, I offer you the following option: create your own Thanksgiving story using the pictures below.

Native Fall Formal

Native whores

Flight of the Great Ballerina Spirit ceremony

Pilgrim Fall Formal

Super Pig blasts off to invite the Pilgrims to lunch

"I know we're starving and all, but I ain't eating no yams. What kind of barbarians are they?"

Native Ghost of Thanksgiving Future: "This no good idea, dum-dums. Trust me. Bwwaaaahhh!"

"Told ya."


the healing power of hate

Today Israel's Supreme Court ordered the government to recognize same-sex marriages performed abroad. This is significant because gay marriages are not performed by the rabbinate in Israel and although heterosexual civil marriages performed abroad are recognized by the government, up until this point homosexual ones were not. Now gay couples married abroad may gain the rights that their heterosexual counterparts already enjoy, such as tax breaks and the ability to adopt a child. Of course, not everyone is happy about it. Damning phrases such as "Sodom and Gomorrah" and "the destruction of the family unit" are blasting from the lips of ultra-Orthodox protesters. One lawmaker mentioned in the article has already proposed championing a bill to outlaw all homosexual marriages. Sound familiar, fellow Americans? Well don't worry, it's not all bad news:

Animosity toward gays and lesbians is one of the few issues that unites Jews, Muslims and Christians in the Holy Land. They have jointly come out against gay parades in the city and are all likely to oppose the Supreme Court ruling.

Fantastic! When was the last time the Jews, Muslims and Christians were on the same side of any fight? What we need is some more gays! We can pump them into Israel and Palestine where the quarreling religious masses will descend upon them with unmitigated furor to beat every delusion of equality from their human dignity. The gay marriage opposers will march door to door like Erin Brockovich (minus the sinful boobage) to gather petition signatures, Jerusalem's streets will echo with cries of you can't handle the truth!, and the dramatic struggle against the wanton destruction of society will culminate in a big heart-warming hug at the conclusion of a victorious court scene (although the emotion of this final tableau may be somewhat dampened by the ironic preponderance of same-sex hugging, as the alternative is forbidden/frowned upon by many of the ultra-conservative participants).

Proposed uniform for Gay Troopers

Mel Gibson, Woody Allen and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could jointly direct the feature film chronicling the groups' epic struggle and ensuing unification. It would make a great holiday release, don't you think--a wholesome, inspirational, family-friendly Christmas activity? Oh right, forgot about Chanukah. Okay, how about a week before Christmas, then? Oh yeah, when is Ramadan again? September?!

Damn it. Back to square one.


a made-up fact--brought to you by Scientology

One in four women is a slut.

Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte


crappy impressionisms

Late this summer we took a trip downtown to the Hirshhorn Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and Sculpture Garden. Some of the wire sculptures and paintings were pretty cool, but I found these enjoyments few and far between. I must confess that I'm not a huge fan of modern/contemporary art. I try, I really do! But most examples just serve to convince me that, hell, I could exhibit artistic work in a museum too. I know everybody thinks that they can be a modern artist and that nay-sayers will claim that modern art contains genius subtleties that my gray, plebeian brain could never fathom, but I beg to differ. For example, take the painting below:

"Nude (?) #4"

Hideous, correct? I mean, a Kindergartner could have painted this, providing he had access to enough paint and a naked lady. The kid wouldn't even need an adult-sized attention span--the artist of this painting didn't even finish properly. He kinda petered out near the bottom of the canvas. I guess he figured, Hair, face, boobs, vagina--done! What does she need legs for, anyway, I've covered all of the main points. It's the artistic equivalent of a high schooler's essay or lovemaking skills. I know that artist dudes are supposedly irresistable to women, but I doubt this monstrosity scored this painter any points with the ladies. Or maybe he's just gay... Good Lord, it all makes sense now. Next!

"I'm Skankalicious"

This photo series features a beautiful blonde in a bikini top devouring various fruits with slutty delight. I don't really understand what I'm supposed to think about this piece. The only thoughts that come to mind when I see this are: 1) Whore!, 2) Mmm, I haven't eaten a lemon in a while, and 3) Okay, I get the motivation behind this piece--I really hope she wasn't suckered into sleeping with him. Oh, who am I kidding, she totally was.

"Motion Sickness"

As I strolled into this room I nearly fell over, but less from awe and more from nausea. More awaited me downstairs.

"I will not throw spitballs in class. I will not throw spitballs in class."

See, what the artist did here was actually cover the entire ground level foor in colored tape, lining along the walls and working his way inward. It was undeniably cool looking, but made me wonder exactly how many detentions the artist had to accrue in art school in order to complete this amount of busy work.

Finally, a masterpiece from my childhood. I'm sure my brothers remember the day we wandered through this sculpture garden for the first time. We were entirely unthrilled with the modern sculptures, and upset at the fact that we were supposed to be appreciating something remotely educational during our summer vacation. It was wet outside, fresh from a mid-day downpour, and we slumped dejectedly from sculpture to sculpture, mocking the various pieces as we went. We spotted this one from down the path--"That one looks like a turtle on a stick!" The quiet adults perusing the sculpture garden shot us scathing looks of disapproval, tired of our sarcastic commentary. I think our mother was a bit embarrassed, but even she had to laugh at the words that we discovered etched in the damp sand of a nearby smoking tray: Turtle on a Stick. We were ecstatic.

"Turtle on a Stick"

I guess that's modern art's saving grace. Our reaction may not have been what this sculptor was going for, but his work still made an impression on us. I now realize that modern art is not just art for art's sake, but an opportunity to connect with other people who don't understand what it's supposed to mean either. We might not get why the artist created a fake mushroom forest out of plaster or chose to portray the naked woman as an apple with green boobies, but we can still share a laugh about it--a common sense of what the hell?.

And too bad if that's not what the artists are going for. If they want to be taken seriously, they can learn how to fucking draw.


it was the blurst of times

Democrats take the House.

Democrats take the Senate.

Wildly popular Rev. Ted Haggard is fired from his 14,000 member church due to "sexual immorality" (and not the pre-marital/prom-sex kind, but the meth-dealing man-hooker whom I only got a 'massage' from I swear really it was just a massage he was recommended by my hotel concierge for Chrissake kind).

Donald "SecDef for Life" Rumsfeld resigns.

Dubya admits a lack of progress in Iraq.

Britney Spears files for divorce from K-Fed.

Hot damnation--now this is an Apocalypse I can get behind!